I had intended to write about FCS North several years ago. I even talked to drummer Andy Sells, who gave me the green light to share their first full-length album here. As so often happens, life got in the way, and I generally stopped writing on the blog. Well, life has intervened again, in a different way, and I feel that I should finally write the FCS North post. It's not the one I'd envisioned. The CD is in a box at home, waiting to be ripped and tagged, uploaded and shared.
Last Friday, Josh Warren, bassist of FCS North, died from colon cancer. You may have attended a concert that his friends put on a few months ago, raising money for his family during his treatment. You can still give to his wife and 3 kids over at https://www.gofundme.com/6vvlvnc
Andy wrote some lovely words about his friend, which you can read at The Stranger.
Other than the album, I'd been waiting for a post in order to share a couple audio recordings I'd made of the band, full shows they played at The Paradox (4/28/01) and the Kirkland Senior Center (11/11/00). Unlike the video above that I shot on a dying camera, I was able to record these shows in their entirety. I had them sitting in a folder, needing some tagging fixes. I've done that, and uploaded them.
Download the shows here: